Day 11 or something (Långfärdscykling Lettland-Litauen-Polen del 3)

The days starts to blur together with the roads and the sun. Time doesn't really matter. All we have is time and freedom. We are not on an healthtrip, but on an adventure, which is a big difference. We don't know where we will be tomorrow, we change direction whenever we feel like it, stop and make camp when it gets dark.

Right now we are in Vilnius.

We'are free... I love to think about the gravel (sand) roads, the heat, the exhaustion, the frustration when the wheels just won't make their way around anymore and starts to spinn in the loose sand. I miss the feel from finally making it to the top of the hill. Relief. Once again we've beaten the sun. This was in Latvija, a few days ago we entered Lithuania. The roads been absolutely lovely (asfalt), the weather has been more pleasant (cooler) and most people speak a bit english. But there's still something missing, it doesn't feel like I've gotten to know the country yet. Maybe it's been too easy so far, we've almost been flying through the country. Or maybe I shouldn't say too much..? We just met a nice guide and soon well see the good bits of Vilnius,
I hope

And also we love the storks! And the houses, they look like beautiful, beautiful crowsnests


  1. Vísst är Vilnius trevligt! Jag tycker mycket om Vilnius! Stor kram och ha det så bra.


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