Day 20? (Långfärdscykling Lettland-Litauen-Polen del 4)
Travelling transforms to Life. Losing the goal to find the Road. We have all we need, just wishing for it never to end. In love with the meetings, talking without language. All problems can be solved, you just need an open mind and a brave heart. Flat tires and bicycle breakdowns, searching for camping spots in the dark, rain getting inside the rainclothes, sun to hot to think straight, just wishing for lakes, rivers, oceans, and after a short swim just as hot again. Breakfast in a slow tempo, feeling the world waking up, wathing a deer in the distance, I am so happy to be travelin with Ellen, som many laughs along the road, so many beautiful things to share. Right now we are in Sopot, outside Gdansk, Poland. The end is near, tomorrow we will try to find tickets for out hometrip next weekend. Still, home seems to be a nice place when looking from the outside like this. I wonder about my garden, how everything is growing, my sunflowers, strawberries.. I look forward to sitting outsi...